Yesterday thefirst hands-onreviews of the Lumia 950 were publishedbythe ‘large’ American sites.I haveread, viewedorlistened totwo;TheVergeandWindowsCentralboth have theirreviews online.
What is strikingis thatTheVerge, almostby tradition, ismore negativeabout theLumia in comparison toWindowsCentral.Butin both cases thecriticismis quite harsh;
Therearemanyreferencesto thesimple designwhencompared to otherhigh-end phones. It isdescribed ascheap andplastic.Where theTheVergereally does not recommend anything about the Lumia,WindowsCentralhas found a fewpositivepointsin thespecifications, thecameraabilities and the Continuumaddition, whichisdescribedasvery special.WindowsCentralalsomakesclear, however, that they do notexpecttheaverage usertoadoptContinuum.
As said, TheVergeis not very positive, butWindowsCentralstresses thatfor userswho choosethe Microsoftecosystemthe Lumia950and950XLis the perfectphone. A phonethatanyone whofallsinto that categorycertainlyneeds to buy.
Bothsites areof coursequite vocal at thesheer lack ofapplications.TheVerge isthe most negative and really says that almost nothing is available, while a somewhatmore nuancedimage is painted by WindowsCentral, but with theclear remarkthat there is a big gapbetweenthe quality and availability ofapplications for Android, IPhoneand Windows Phone.
Is unclear,andno one daresto make any predictions,if Windows 10 will solvethat problem.
This is just a quick post to let you know that I recently tested the Plantronics Voyager Legend with my Lumia 930 Windows Phone (running Denim). I am glad to report all functions work out of the box:
Bluetooth pairing
Voice control
Full Cortana integration
Caller ID announcements when receiving a call
So all-in-all I am very happy with my choice. More test results after some road tests in the coming days.
I was thinking about doing a piece on why I love my new Surface 2. But then i came along this great video from blogger Sean Ong on YouTube. He perfectly explains what you can do with this tablet. I cannot imagine why you would buy an iPad when you can do all of this.
Quoting the information from YouTube:
"He shows off voice control (windows speech recognition), multiple monitor support, and a variety of accessories via USB hub (including external hard drive, mouse, keyboard, and Xbox 360 controller integration). He shows how to connect the Surface 2 to the HDTV as well as wireless casting of music and video! In addition he goes through some other features, such as Spotify web player, and icloud web. Also kid friendly applications and multiple accounts."
If they pull this off I would love it. Beats DLNA imho (which is crap really…unless somebody can explain to me how to get it working properly) and the Apple proprietary stuff (full disclosure: I bought a Sonos P3 recently).
Sharing your personal information with the founders of FaceBook, MySpace, Pinterest, Friendster, Twitter and LinkedIn is probably something you would think about twice. The association of your private stuff with each of these networks is something you want to take very seriously.
There is an interesting tension between social networks and the concept of Privacy. Not only because some people will share what others will want to keep a secret; also because the social networks love to know more about you and continuously challenge your boundaries.
Let’s face it (pun intended) – the more you share, the more traffic you generate, the more money they make. It is that simple. So when social networks need to ‘take their responsibility’, they are acting against their nature (remember the story of the scorpion that wanted to cross the river?).
“If you are not paying for a product, you are the product being sold”
This tension between your privacy and their business model is described in detail in a recent whitepaper by the Atos Scientific Community (find it here) and they conclude:
“Social networking sites have been traditionally reluctant to take into consideration the data privacy concerns brought up by users and public authorities.”
The paper continues to look into the legal aspects of this subject and describes how we are dealing with the challenge of privacy in social networks. Several examples are cited and explained against the existing rules in Europe and the US.
In addition the paper goes beyond the legal aspects and also explores the technical aspects of privacy in social networks. Most interesting is their observation that there is not a single technology that will support the need for privacy:
“Privacy needs, inside and outside social networks, are quite different and should be tackled using specifically tailored technologies.”
You can imagine that privacy related to personal finance, banking information or on the other hand your holiday pictures are totally different datasets that need a different approach. The whitepaper shows this and explains how a difference can be made; it even explores the possibility of a ‘safe’ social network.
A full analysis is done of several technologies that can support a safer social network and allow for better control by the end-user. Also a word of caution is expressed by the authors on the possibilities of cross authorizing using for example your Facebook account log in on other sites.
Finally the observation is that the social networking domain, in which vendors and end-users struggle to get a grip on privacy, is in fact not ignoring the issue. So there is hope – but that does not change the fact you still need to think twice before you hit ‘Like’.